The above images were generated with AI through a new service I was testing, as you can see it did amazing with the intended page title (on certain ones) but even with a list of 50 words to surround it with the AI fell short but still tried for some words.
O365 is what I use for my day-to-day email. Still, it gives me access to things like new admin features, Intune, Azure and all the other features associated with an enterprise Microsoft environment, G-Workspace I've only recently set up since I'm encountering it more often. It is beneficial to see what is possible and how.
I started using Jumpcloud professionally recently and saw the great potential it had for user and device management. It can also be used as an Identity provider for SSO through LDAP, OIDC and SAML2.0.
I also use this to manage my devices in a day-to-day scenario and it can be used as a test environment to check certain solutions most recently GEO-IP login policy with dynamic groups.
Virtualisation started as a general interest before I saw how powerful it can be. while I use VMs Docker and K8S cluster for day-to-day I still have a dedicated server that I use as a testing environment for the above.
Whether it be testing something I want to use personally or imitating the infrastructure I work with professionally so that I can test solutions and learn more about how it works or if I can find a potential idea to improve upon what's already there and how it could be done.
Since a lot of businesses now utilise cloud computing (AWS, GCP, Linode, IONOS ETC.)I knew this should also be included in my testing environment i simply have a very small AWS server running Ubuntu Server OS and it has given me great insight into when and why this solution would be chosen
The applications I use in my test environment change rapidly to suit current needs.
Most recently I have set up my Slack organisation for use on a project where it uses SSO with identity management, and then new users are put into default channels based on department i.e. All users go into "company news" but if they are in the IT Ops department on Jumpcloud they also get added to the private IT Ops channel.
Other applications have included Docker Hub, GitHub, Jira full suite and various monitoring applications and some I still use personally.
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